Foster Care

Open Life is all in with Foster Care!

For us this means facilitating every person who is on mission with Open Life to participate in some way of fostering, adopting, assisting or supporting the foster care needs within our county, state, nation and world.  The county our church is in is one of the highest county’s for foster care in our state.  Our desire is to meet the needs here in our own community first and then increase our engagement until we model for churches and organizations all across the globe how to engage the needs of orphans, and foster children in order that we can take our rightful place as the body of Christ in caring for those in need this way.  Through partnerships with organizations who have been doing things a lot longer than we have in the foster care arena to launching our own initiatives, we are going all in!

Watch the Wagner’s Story.

Discover the needs of foster care 

scroll down for information 

on four key areas we engage.



Become a foster family.  Respite provider, emergency care, short term, long term…all are needed.  The process is lengthy, but with the right support from our strategic partners you can do this.


Foster adopt a child or some siblings! Every year 1,000 kids will age out of the system and 70% of those will end up in prison.  Don’t let that be the story any longer.


From tutoring, sponsoring, to a weekly meal or serving as a licensed babysitter or serving in the children’s areas at Open Life…the list here is lengthy, but honorable and results in experiencing life at an amazing level of fulfillment.


Many kids show up at DSHS with nothing but the clothing on their backs.  We will develop a list of items needed by families and distribute it to the homes in need as well as many additional resources.  

Olive Crest South Sound

Olive Crest transforms the lives of children in crisis through the power of God, family, and community.  Olive Crest is dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect by strengthening, equipping, and restoring children and families in crisis… “One Life At A Time.”® For those children not able to return home, the South Sound Olive Crest team works to connect them with SSOC adoptive families.

every church every child

We are believing that God is going to do something significant through the churches of the NWMN through our EVERY CHURCH-EVERY CHILD initiative. Let’s join together to make an impact in the foster system. While the need is great, we have a lot to celebrate as a Network.

sweet cases

Sweet Case duffle bags are given to children as they enter foster care or are transitioning into a new placement or forever home. Each Sweet Case duffle bag has a detachable custom panel that is decorated with encouraging statements and fun images. We pack these suitcases with new comfort and hygiene items. Regardless of whether the child enters foster care with only the clothing on their backs or they have time to gather their belongings, every child is given a dignified way to transition and move into a new home. Kids are not trash, period.