Life is a team sport
Life is most fulfilling when experienced in community with one another. Being part of an Open Life group is one of the best ways to find connection and build relationships within our church community. It's also an easy environment for you to turn the monologue of what we talk about on Sundays and turn it into a dialogue shared with others.
Below you can learn about the different types of groups, opportunities to find a group, or even start a group yourself.
Below you can learn about the different types of groups, opportunities to find a group, or even start a group yourself.
Sign up for a Group!
A number of Different Group Experiences At Open Life
Groups that meet on a weekly or 2x/month basis throughout the year or for a season of the year (ie. Sunday dinner group, Wednesday night bible study, etc.).
Meet-ups are “one-off” activities or monthly groups that are completely open to anyone who is a part of Open Life to join (ie. Men's Breakfast, Ladies Meet-up, Open Life Hikers, etc.).
Interest-based groups will not always meet regularly and might be more about gathering people of the same interests for special events. Our prayer team, moms with young kids, and our missions interest groups are an examples of interest-based groups.
Groups that meet on a weekly or 2x/month basis throughout the year or for a season of the year (ie. Sunday dinner group, Wednesday night bible study, etc.).
A discipleship class that meets at The Gathering Place around tables to learn about a specific topic (ie. Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course, The Prayer Course, Alpha, etc.).
Looking to lead/Host a group/Meetup?
If you would be interested in leading or hosting a group, the form linked below will walk you through a number of questions to gauge your interest and get details so we can best communicate about your group to the OL community.
As iron sharpens iron,
so one Person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17

What about Students (6th-12th GradE)?
Check out what is happening at Open Life Student Life which meets each Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:00 pm at The Gathering Place.