New Outreach Kids Connect

Kids Connect a new outreach of Open Life
One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” - Matthew 19:13-14
These are very intentional parents, don't you think? I wondered about how they felt when their children were scolded. Were they angry, sad, or embarrassed? If it were me, it would be all of the above. Then I wondered about how they must have felt when Jesus in turn scolded his disciples and welcomed the little children with open arms! I would have been elated and overwhelmed with love for God. Children mattered to the one who saved us from death.
Jesus expected and wanted the children to come to Him, like they belonged in his arms. Those intentional parents knew where to find God and brought their children to him. What about the parents who don't? The great thing about God living in us is that we can bring Jesus wherever we go.
Loving families through loving their children, by providing a consistent space where child and caregiver feels a sense of belonging is the heart of Kids Connect.
Our kids thrive in Kids Life on Sundays not just because of what they learn but also because of the connection and trust built over time between the teachers, students, and parents.. Extending our impact in the community outside of Sunday and outside of the building we do church within is our mission.
We want to create a space every week during the school year where children and parents are seen, heard and valued. We invite preschool age children and their caregivers to engage in activities that integrate science, technology, engineering, art, and pre-math. Our program promotes development of creativity, problem solving, and collaboration. We will facilitate activities to foster curiosity and imagination.
Like most parents, when my children find joy and belonging it's like discovering another sense of home. Sharing the light we carry by using our gifts is our greatest weapon in Christ. An hour and a half every week might seem little in comparison to the rest of these kid's lives but history and personal experience has shown me God's power in the small. Our loving God just needs a little bit of us in order to carry out his extraordinary plan to bring all of his children home.
- Fran Wulandari
These are very intentional parents, don't you think? I wondered about how they felt when their children were scolded. Were they angry, sad, or embarrassed? If it were me, it would be all of the above. Then I wondered about how they must have felt when Jesus in turn scolded his disciples and welcomed the little children with open arms! I would have been elated and overwhelmed with love for God. Children mattered to the one who saved us from death.
Jesus expected and wanted the children to come to Him, like they belonged in his arms. Those intentional parents knew where to find God and brought their children to him. What about the parents who don't? The great thing about God living in us is that we can bring Jesus wherever we go.
Loving families through loving their children, by providing a consistent space where child and caregiver feels a sense of belonging is the heart of Kids Connect.
Our kids thrive in Kids Life on Sundays not just because of what they learn but also because of the connection and trust built over time between the teachers, students, and parents.. Extending our impact in the community outside of Sunday and outside of the building we do church within is our mission.
We want to create a space every week during the school year where children and parents are seen, heard and valued. We invite preschool age children and their caregivers to engage in activities that integrate science, technology, engineering, art, and pre-math. Our program promotes development of creativity, problem solving, and collaboration. We will facilitate activities to foster curiosity and imagination.
Like most parents, when my children find joy and belonging it's like discovering another sense of home. Sharing the light we carry by using our gifts is our greatest weapon in Christ. An hour and a half every week might seem little in comparison to the rest of these kid's lives but history and personal experience has shown me God's power in the small. Our loving God just needs a little bit of us in order to carry out his extraordinary plan to bring all of his children home.
- Fran Wulandari
The Details
Kids Connect kicks off September 8, 2023 and will run through June 14, 2024. We will follow the Sumner/ Bonney Lake School District of holidays and closures.
Time: Fridays at 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Place: Prairie Ridge ( building with the mural)
14104 Prairie Ridge Dr E, Bonney Lake, WA 98391
Who: Preschool Age Children & Parents/Care Givers
We invite you to ask God if He is calling you to be a part of Kids Connect. To change the culture that surrounds kids and be present in the community.
Here are some ways you can be involved:
Prayer. Pray for the preliminary efforts, the program and participants.
Planning & Preparation. Prepare lessons, procure materials and prep supplies.
Presence. Be present. Connect with adults. Assist kids. Lead activities.
Time: Fridays at 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Place: Prairie Ridge ( building with the mural)
14104 Prairie Ridge Dr E, Bonney Lake, WA 98391
Who: Preschool Age Children & Parents/Care Givers
We invite you to ask God if He is calling you to be a part of Kids Connect. To change the culture that surrounds kids and be present in the community.
Here are some ways you can be involved:
Prayer. Pray for the preliminary efforts, the program and participants.
Planning & Preparation. Prepare lessons, procure materials and prep supplies.
Presence. Be present. Connect with adults. Assist kids. Lead activities.

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