
Captivated, Open Life Women 24/25

Starting September 19th

This September, we are kicking off our 2024-2025 ministry year with the theme: Captivated—Cultivating an Intimate Relationship with God! What captivates us attracts and holds our attention. To be captivated by God is to be drawn into knowing God—not only with an intellectual understanding of his attributes, but with a coming alive to God through surrender to Jesus’ love, knowing in an experiential way the depth of his love, the goodness of his character and the joy of walking in community.

Rooted in Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (NIV), our year will delve into what it means to cultivate an intimate relationship with God in five aspects of life: emotional, physical, spiritual, relational, and intellectual.

We hope you’ll be excited to join us at The Gathering Place for a new, hosted format. We’ll enjoy light food, time learning together, discussion, a thematic activity and prayer as we come to know how much God love us.

Join the group to receive email updates on other events like the Holiday and Spring brunch and Ladies Retreat.

Here is our 2024-25 Schedule At-A-Glance:

September 19th @ 6:30 PM—Knowing God
October 17th @ 6:30 PM— Knowing God in Your Emotional Life
November—No Meetup
December 7th @ 9:00 AM—Holiday Brunch
January 16th @ 6:30 PM— Knowing God in Your Physical Life
February 20th @ 6:30 PM— Knowing God in Your Relational Life
March @ TBD—Retreat (No Meetup)
April 17th @ 6:30 PM — Knowing God in Your Spiritual Life
May 15th @ 6:30 PM — Knowing God in Your Intellectual Life
June 7th @ 9:00 AM—Spring Brunch
July @ TBD—Summer Book Club
August @ TBD—Summer Book Club
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